Sponsorship - Centrolene AGM 2023
Hyatt Regency West Hanoi, Vietnam
Sponsorship packages are a great way to maximize exposure and benefit from attending our AGM. If you want to be remembered amongst the group, investing into sponsorship is a great way to market your company to the community and its many connections.
Please look at the current sponsorship options below and feel free to contact us anytime to discuss your options further.
Welcome Sponsorship:
Reception Welcome Table - next to Centrolene – Day One;
Logo on Lanyard and Event Badge;
Small company profile on Event Badge (back);
Logo on hotel room key card holder;
Half page Bio/Advert in event brochure;
Marketing material / giveaways in Event Bag;
Logo on all branding and marketing materials displayed throughout venue and on all event materials;
3-5 Minute Welcome Address at Welcome Cocktail;
Branded flags/tags in food at cocktail reception;
Dedicated comfortable couch/chairs for one2one meetings;
Team lead / Branding in cooking class Day 2.
Price: USD 2500.00 per sponsorship
Availability: 1 (RESERVED)
Title (Day) Sponsorship:
Partnership with Centrolene Network AGM 2023 and exclusive sponsorship of Day 2 or 3;
Dedicated comfortable couch/chairs for one2one meetings;
Dedicated tabletop with TV to showcase company profile;
Marketing material / giveaways in Event Bag;
1 participant registrations;
20-minute presentation at the main conference session;
1 piece of marketing materials to be drop seat on the sponsored day of conference;
1 full page bio advert in the event agenda;
Branded flags/tags in food at breaks/dinners;
Logo on all branding and marketing materials displayed throughout venue and on all event materials – especially on day of sponsorship to include main screen, at dinner and on all networking tables;
Branding on aprons for Day 2 evening cooking event or Networking Award + Presenting Awards Day 3;
Team lead / Branding in cooking class Day 2.
Pricing: US$ 6,000.00 per sponsorship
Availability: 2
Speaker Sponsorship:
20 Minute presentation at the main conference session;
Marketing material / giveaways in Event Bag;
Logo on all branding and marketing materials displayed throughout venue and on all event materials – especially during speaker slots;
Half page bio advert in event agenda;
Branded host sponsorship of breakout sessions;
1 piece of marketing materials to be drop seat at breakout sessions;
Dedicated comfortable couch/chairs for one2one meetings;
Team lead / Branding in cooking class Day 2.
Price: USD 2,500.00 per sponsorship
Availability: 1